Discussion with Members of Czech and German Roma and Sinti Genocide Survivor’s Families

20 September 2017
About Programme Location / Accom.
Plus, an exhibition opening:
„…don’t forget the photos, it’s very important…“
The Nazi Persecution of Central German Sinti and Roma
Expanding the programme of the conference beyond academia, the evening event is hosted by the Václav Havel Library and is open to the general public.
During the evening, the exhibition „…don’t forget the photos, it’s very important…“, prepared by Jana Müller and Eve Rosenhaft in cooperation with Sinti survivors’ families from Dessau, will be presented. The starting point of Müller and Rosenhaft’s research was a collection of photographs from the Gypsy Lore Society Archive in Liverpool, which document the everyday lives of Sinti and Romani families in the wake of the Second World War. After the conference, their work will be exhibited at Charles University (Carolinum, Celetná 20, Prague) from 23 September to 3 November 2017.
Highlighting the importance of close cooperation and dialogue with members of Romani and Sinti communities in the public presentation of their histories, academic research, and presentation of its results, the event will continue with a discussion amongst members of Czech and German Roma and Sinti genocide survivors’ families. It will be moderated by Jana Horváthová (Museum of Romani Culture, Brno) and Jana Müller (Alternatives Jugendzentrum, Dessau). The Romani and Sinti guests from germany and Czech Republic participating in the discussion will include Zdeněk Daniel (Jablonec nad Nisou), Jan Hauer (Beroun), Mario Franz (Bad Iburg), Hermann and Else Höllenreiner (Mettenheim), and Jiřina Somsiová (Olomouc).
Translation between Czech, English, and German will be provided.
Václav Havel Library
(Ostrovní 13, 110 00 Praha 1)
Exhibition opening:
“…don’t forget the photos, it’s very important…”
The Nazi Persecution of Central German Sinti and Roma
Eve Rosenhaft (Liverpool University), Jana Müller (Alternatives Jugendzentrum e.V. Dessau)
Discussion with Members of German and Czech Roma Genocide Survivor Families
Chair: Jana Horváthová (Museum of Romani Culture), Jana Müller (Alternatives Jugendzentrum e.V. Dessau)
Speakers: Hermann and Else Höllenreiner, Mario Franz, Jiřina Somsiová, Zdeněk Daniel
Václav Havel Library
Ostrovní 13, Praha 1