‘We weren’t nomadic gypsies but old settlers!’ Belonging and mobility of the Roma in eastern Slovakia

Romani History Workshop
30 June 2021 at 5 PM
Author: Jan Ort (Faculty of Arts, Charles University):
Discussant: Pavel Baloun (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University)
Taking a microhistorical approach, the article focuses on the implementation of the central policies of socialist Czechoslovakia that aimed to regulate the movement of the Roma, namely the legal efforts to settle nomadic persons and subsequently the plan of controlled resettlement of the Roma from eastern Slovakia to the Bohemian lands.
NOTE: All registered participants will receive the draft chapter through email one week before the workshop. The event will begin with a short 10-minute presentation by teh author, followed by an in-depth discussion of the precirculated paper with the author, the invited discussant and all the participants of the workshop.
Duration: 90 minutes
REGISTRATION: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkceCvrTkoHN3ctmYQn1xdfL_i3yUSj73y